Phase 1 Preliminary Audit Reports were distributed in December 2024

The first phase of the RAN-RM program involves creating preliminary energy audit reports using at least one-year of a nonprofit facility’s utility bill data with the Department of Energy’s BETTER tool. To date, the RAN-RM program has received 75 applications with applicants belonging to the states of Colorado, Montana, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming covering 1.84 million square feet of buildings owned and operated by nonprofits. The RAN-RM team is also proud that of the 75 applicants, 22 (29%) belong to Justice40 communities. 

As of January 10th, 2025, 70 preliminary audit reports were distributed to applicants for the RAN-RM program. These reports provide applicants with a preliminary energy analysis of their facility’s energy usage and potential savings, along with possible retrofits to improve their energy efficiency. The reports aid our team in selecting 30-40 facilities that will continue to the next phase of the program, receiving level 1 energy audits, by identifying facilities that have the most need for energy efficiency retrofits.

If you submitted your preliminary audit application but have not heard back from us regarding the status of your application, please contact our team at [email protected]. We are still accepting preliminary audit applications for cycle 1 through 1/15/2025, and we anticipate announcing the facilities that will proceed to receiving level 1 energy audits at the end of January 2025. We continue to work with facilities who have applied to ensure we have the best possible data for our modeling in order to make the optimal selection of facilities that will proceed to the next phase.

If you are not able to submit your facility’s data by the 1/15/2025 deadline, do not worry. Preliminary audit applications will be accepted until July 2026 for cycle 2 of the program! Learn more about the RAN-RM project phases and cycles here:

Please continue to visit our News and FAQ pages to get the latest updates about the program. On our FAQ page, we recently uploaded a Questions and Answers document addressing questions that came up during our kick-off meeting in November, 2024, as well as the presentation slides.